Content marketing is recognized as a powerful tool in today’s business world. Everyone from major corporations to local businesses can use the power of the written word, photographs and video to bring new eyes (and clicks) to their website.

These results are demonstrable, in fact. Let us show you…

Consider this case study of two businesses: one a chocolate and confectionary shop in a tourist town of New England, the other a medicine clinic in Chicagoland. The two are far apart regarding industry and geography, but they have one thing in common: A consistent and integrated promotional campaign involving both their social media profiles and websites. Both of which are produced and maintained by Mystic Waters Media. 

Prior to the adoption of regular social media campaigns, their brand’s reach - website traffic, audience reached, likes (or other social media interactions) and page visits - was stagnant. After adopting a regular social media schedule with Mystic Waters, however, it was another story entirely.

Mystic Sweets Facebook Insights

As soon as one’s social media outreach started, their page views, likes, and shares rose considerably. Now, nearly 18 months later, their regular views have remained steadily in this high range, increasing incrementally and jumping during major events.

AgeLess Medical Facebook Insights

The second company enlisted the same services with Mystic Waters in October 2015. Almost immediately, page visits and social media interactions of all kinds doubled or even tripled. Additionally, these social media campaigns lead to increased website visitor statistics as well. You can see below the correlation between the activity in the above image and what occurs on their website quite clearly. 

AgeLess Medical Website Stats

What do these results mean? Well, social media is vital today if you want to compete for people’s eyeballs and screen time in the attention economy. Turning it into an effective marketing tool, however, takes more time and work than spontaneously sending a tweet or sharing a post whenever you get around to it.

Generating consistent traffic to your site requires frequent and fresh content. Part of it is simply volume; sending more posts regularly will reach more people than infrequently posting. And while a single post could conceivably be overlooked, it is less likely that a series will be. But beyond sheer volume, regularly posting establishes patterns showing when more users are reached or engaged. Future posts and series can take those patterns into account in scheduling to reach more people, leading to greater visibility and more traffic to your site.

Generating effective posts also takes an understanding of the platforms that are being utilized. Foremost, users should be able to access your site directly from the post. To entice them to click on that link, each post needs to display a concise and engaging message or image. Using keywords (such as Hashtags) can help your posts gain visibility in users’ feeds. Embedding them organically works best to reduce clutter and save space, which can be another factor on certain social media platforms such as Twitter or Instagram.


We at Mystic Waters have become adept at creating regular social media posts for our clients, so they can focus on running their business. We also develop schedules for our clients’ social media that are proven to increase exposure and traffic. If you’re looking to turn your social media presence into a magnet for more users, contact us.